20 Jun

Erectile dysfunction is affecting a large number of males these days. It is more prevalent among men between 40 to 70 years of age.

Certain foods can be helpful for managing ED.


Consuming the juice of beets is normally associated with improving blood pressure. According to recent study in Hypertension reported that consumption of 8.5 ounces of beet juice daily for four weeks resulted in reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as an approximately 20 percent improvement in blood vessel dilation capacity and a 10 percent reduction in artery stiffness.

Nitrates on consumption are converted into nitric oxide, which dilates the blood vessels and improves blood flow.

Chili peppers

If you want to improve your sex life, then chili peppers should be included in your diet. Capsaicin is the bioactive ingredient present in chili peppers that can dilate your arteries and facilitate improved blood flow to the muscles, heart, and other organs, including the penis.
Capsaicin is also helpful for reducing cholesterol and blood pressure as well as protecting against blood clots. It is also scientifically proven that capsaicin can improve exercise performance and fatigue.

Cruciferous vegetables

The cruciferous vegetables are among the top foods that can help improve erectile dysfunction. From Brussels sprouts to kale, cauliflower to cabbage, these veggies not only possess cancer-fighting properties but help to cope with ED as well. The reason behind this is that they assist in regulating hormones that excrete estradiol, which in turn boosts levels of testosterone.

In men, low testosterone levels is often associated with increased levels of estradiol. Therefore, if you consume foods that block estrogen, you can help boost your testosterone levels naturally. Cruciferous vegetables contain phytonutrients that are capable of interfering with estradiol. You should include at least one serving of cruciferous veggies daily.

Dark chocolate

The flavonoids present in dark chocolate are potent antioxidants that can lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol, both of which can improve blood circulation. If the reason for developing erectile dysfunction is poor circulation, chocolate may help. Dark chocolate can also help in nitric oxide production. Be sure that you choose unsweetened dark chocolate that contains at least 70 percent cocoa to obtain the most benefit.

According to scientific reports, men who ate the dark chocolate showed significant improvement in coronary circulation.


This spice is popular for its ability to treat digestive issues as well as boost sex drive and enhance energy. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) has a pleasant flavor that makes the fresh or dried leaves, as well as the seeds, an excellent addition to soups, salads, stews, and vegetable and grain dishes.

A 2016 study from Australia studied the effect of fenugreek on sexual function and testosterone deficiency among healthy aging men. The results showed an improved sexual function which included frequency of sexual activity and the number of morning erections, among men who took the extract when compared with placebo. The treated men also witnessed an increase in total and free testosterone.


It consists of an amino acid L-citrulline that plays a role in erectile function .L-citrulline is a potent antioxidant that converts into L-arginine which triggers the production of nitric oxide. It improved the blood supply to the sexual organs which helped in improving sexual performance.

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